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Friday 14 October 2016

Economic Justice In Islam

Alifye Essays Writing "Economic Justice In Islam
     Islam is the only religion that includes all spheres of human life and human activity. Why does it not just give us instructions about praying and fasting and leave us free in other matters of life? The answer is clear: Islam aims at creating a just society of human beings in which there is no exploitation of the weaker by the strong.
     Islamic system of social organisation is entirely different from the systems developed by communism and capitalism. On the one hand it does not accept the principal of the unlimited right of the individual to acquire, own and use wealth as he likes and on the other it rejects the philosophy of the complete state ownership of all means of production.
     Both capitalism and communism create unjust societies in which one section of the society has all the advantage. Capitalism gives the individual freedom of action in all matters but this freedom works in the favour of the rich. The poor have only freedom of speech and starvation but deprives him of all other freedoms.
     One very important principle of the Islamic system of social and economic justice is the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate sources of earning money. Islam does not give its followers a general license to earn money through any means. It sets up a clear distinction between fair means and foul means of earning. All those means that enable and individual to profit at the expense of another are immoral. Only those mean of earning are fair that ensure the mutual benefit of individuals, and thus that of the whole society. 
     The Holy Quran says: "O people who have accepted the faith do not seize one another;s property by unfair means. Trade is, however, permitted which benefits both of you..?" Trade means exchange of goods and services. It can benefits both the parties only when it is conducted without any tricks, without any pressure from any side. If one party has all the trumps. and the other none, the trade between them is not trade but exploitation.
     There are other verses in the Holy Quran that define sources of ill-gotten wealth usurpation bribery misuse of private and public wealth and property gambling usury and preparation, sale and transportation of alcoholic drinks and goods that promote immorality. 
     This verse also gives us the third principle of the economic system of Islam, i.e, the spending of wealth A Muslim is not free to spend his wealth as he please. He is clearly enjoined to spend it for Alla;s purposes, i.e, to promote the welfare of the less fortunate members of the Muslim society.

Tuesday 11 October 2016


Alifye Essay Writing "Dreams"
     A dream is a vision or a series of picture or events we see while asleep. Almost all of us see dreams. Some people remember the strange visions they see in their sleep. Other forget as soon as they wake up. Some dreams are pleasant some are fearful. sometimes the members of a family or group see the same dream.
     In the past, people believed that dreams were sent by Allah as warning or advice. They believed in their dreams and tried to benefit form them. Everyone could not understand the meaning or the message of his dreams. There were people who could interpret dreams. They were held in high esteem.
     Some people think that dreams are the result of physical causes. Some dreams are of course caused bye sleeping in an uncomfortable position, or eating a heavy dinner. But all dreams cannot be explained in this way.
     Some people say that dreams reproduce the events or the day before. But psychologists have proved that dreams are seldom caused by the events of the day. They also rarely repeat exactly the events we experience in waking.
     Sometimes, dreams express our wishes. A hungry man will dream that he is eating a wonderful meal, and a thirsty man will dream of the sparkling cool water. Some dreams are produced by our repressed feelings and desires that cannot be fulfilled or expressed because of the social and moral pressures and checks. So they take refuge in the unconscious. When we are asleep, and the grip of our conscious mind is loose, these desires come out of the unconscious in the form of dreams.
     Dreams are mysterious things. In spite of great advances in the field of psychology we have not yet fully understood the mystery of dreams.
     However rationally we may interpret dreams there is no doubt that some dreams tell of the coming events. Such dreams give either clear or indirect warning of the future danger.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal

     Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is the greatest Muslim thinker and poet of this century. He was born at Sialkot on the 9th of November 1877. His ancestors had migrated from Kashmir some two hundred years before. His father, Sheikh Nur Muhammad was a mystic from whom Iqbal inherited mysticism and deep love for religion.
     He received his early education at a local high school and passed his Intermediate examination from Murrey College. He had the good fortune of studying Arabic, Persian and Islamiyat under the inspiring guidance of Syed Mir Hussain.
     He proceeded to Lahore for higher studies and joined the Government College. There he came under the influence of Dr. Arnold who inspired him to study philosophy. In 1899, he obtained his Master's degree in Philosophy and joined the teaching staff of the Government College.
     He went to Europe in 1905 for higher studies in Philosophy and Law. He obtained his Ph.D in Philosophy from Germany. He was called to Bar in 1908, and he returned to India the same year. His stay in Europe was a great importance. It influenced him in many ways. He came into contact with the contemporary philosophical and political thought, but the Western civilization and materialism found no favour with him.
     On his return, he started his legal practice, but his heart was not in it. Most of his time was devoted to poetry, philosophy and religion.
     He was an inspired and creative poet. He had already written some poems which had been favourably received by critics and readers alike. Now he began to write in both Persian and Urdu. He did not believe in art for art's sake. For him, poetry was only a medium for expressing his philosophical ideas, religious beliefs and political message.
     He published many volumes of poetry Bang-i-Dara., Bal-i-Jabril, Zarb-i-Kaleem, Asrar-i-Khudi, Ramooz-i-Bekhudi, Payam-i-Mashraq, Jawaid Nama and Zaboori-i-Ajam. All of these have become classics of literature. 
     He was deeply interested in religion. He delivered six lectures at Madras, which were later published under the title 'Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam.
     In 1930, Iqbal presided over the Allahabad Session of the All-India Muslim League, and delivered his famous presidential address in which he asserted that the only solution of the problems of the Indian Muslims was a separate Muslim state. This was the first demand for Pakistan. But he did not live to see the emergence of the new state. He died in 1938. It was nine year after his death that Pakistan was achieved. 
     Iqbal's genius was fully recognized by his nation in his lifetime. He was immensely popular among all sections of Muslims All sorts of people-politicians, mystics, journalists and students came to him for guidance and inspiration.

Friday 7 October 2016


Alifye Essay Writing "Depression"

     The World of human beings is not a fairyland, and life is not a perpetual picnic. Here happiness does not grow on trees and wishes do not always come true. One has to accept life as it is with all its joys and all it sorrows. It takes courage and an understanding of the nature of life and human condition to do so.
     Man, in spite of all his achievements, is still a human being not a superman. He is creature of emotions and sentiments. Certain things make him happy and certain things make him sad. A little bird chirping in the early morning may fill his heart with joy. And the autumn wind shaking last dead leaves from the trees may move him to tears.
     Everyone fells a little sad a little worried a little depressed at times. There is nothing wrong with it. It is as natural as feeling happy. There is no harm in being dejected for a little while. Depression is a natural reaction against a sense of loss, a personal misfortune or the death of a dear one. This is the normal kind of depression.
      This normal natural depression shows that we are capable of feeling and caring. It shows that we are not robots and the hurry of this machine age has not deprived of the human qualities. It Helps us to adjust to the changing realities of life. It brings acceptance. 
      It is not always easy to distinguish between normal and abnormal depressions. The chief difference is intensity and duration.
      Normal depression does not produce radical changes in one's thinking and behavior. The feeling of sadness may disturb one's sleep for a few nights or cause him to skip a meal or two or neglect the routine of life for some time. But it loses its intensity as time goes by life reasserts itself and everything falls into place once again.
     The abnormal depression called endogenous depression is generally not related to any actual event or loss. If it has a cause. This abnormal depression is a sign of some kind of mental disorder. Some patients lose contact with reality and suffer from delusions. Others may become insensitive to events around them lose interest in eating and other physical activities.
     Abnormal depression may be produced by psychological causes or changes in the brain Anti depression drugs electro-shock therapy and psychotherapy are effective cures.

Cooperative Movement

     In the earliest day, human beings lived in very small groups, isolated from other such groups.  We do not know much about their life then. But we know for certain that they could not afford to be alone for long. They instinctively felt that they needed the help of others in order to make their existence secure comfortable and happy. So we see that the urge to be social and cooperative in primitive.
     But when we talk of cooperative movement, we speak of a phenomenon which is quite modern, though the underlying idea is fundamentally the same. It means organized attempts made collectively by human beings with a view to solving their common problems.
     Suppose, the citizens of a particular area face the problem of adulterated food and want to provide themselves with pure food. For this purpose, they raise funds and establish a general provisions store. which is run jointly. Or suppose the villagers in some part of the country want to construct embankments in order to protect their cornfields from floods or rain. If all of the make contributions and work together on the project they are said to be working on cooperative basis. When such tasks are undertaken frequently by people. in various fields they are said to have started a cooperative movement.
     Socially the cooperative movement by creating a sense of interdependence in them brings the members of society closer. It serves as a binding factor.
     The moral point of the movement is that is teaches men to trust and respect one another. In other words. it makes them better, more cultured citizens.
     Cooperative movements are very popular in the advanced countries of the world. Such as America, Britain and France. These nations have in face realized the real value of such movements and are reaping great benefits from them.
     In Pakistan we need to follow this example. The possibilities of cooperative in our country are enormous. The government can do much to popularise such a movement by taking the necessary initiatives. The People should also recognise the fact that their concerted efforts would not only help them but also their country.

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