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Wednesday 31 January 2018

Effects Of Moon On Earth:

Effects Of Moon On Earth:


The shadows the Earth and Moon throw in space cause total or partial eclipses of the Moon and Sun.

Lunar Eclipse:

Earth revolves round the Sun and the Moon revolves round the Earth, being its satellite. Clearly many a time the Earth comes between the Sun and the full Moon casting a shadow on the Moon. This is called an eclipse of the Moon.

Solar Eclipse:

A solar eclipse can take place when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. It occurs only at new Moon because. Moon's orbit is not in the same plane as that of the Earth.


Another effect of the Moon on Earth is caused by Moon's gravity. Invisible fin of gravity from both Sun and Moon draw the Earth's water together into tidal bulges, which surge up and down 'he shore lines everyday. As the Moon is nearer than the Sun it has more than twice the Sun's influence on the Earth's tides.

Spring Tides:

Twice a month, at new and full moon, the tidal pulls of the Moon and Sun coincide because they happen to be in the same line and produce so called spring tides which are about 20% higher than normal.

Neap Tides:

In between the new and full Moon i.e at the Moon's first and last quarter, the Moon and Sun are pulling at right angles. Then the net tidal force is 20% less than average, producing neap tides.


In addition to the principal planets and their satellites, there are many other bodies which roam about the Sun. These bodies are asteroids, comets and meteoroids. The asteroids are sometimes known as planetoids, small planets which move around the Sun between the large gap of Jupiter and Mars. This gap is about 547 million km. and is known as the asteroid belt. These are thousands of rock — and — metal bodies ranging from hundreds of kms. to a few metres across. They are believed to be debris left over from the formation of the inner planets of the solar system. Their total number may be about 100,000. Among the brightest are Pallas (560 km. across),and Besta (500 km. across). The combined mass of all asteroids is probably about one thousandth. that of the Earth. I hey are too small to retain any atmosphere. and none of them is likely to harbour any form of life. Some asteroids have eccentric orbits that take them well ~ beyond the orbits between Mars and Jupiter. Hidalgo can retreat from the Sun as far as the orbit of Saturn, while Icarus approaches even closer to the Sun than Mercury does.
Alifye - Effects of Moon - Adroids


The word comet is derived from the Latin word "Long —haired". The comets are the tail — stars and are the objects of the solar system. On average about 5 new comets are discovered every year. Most comets are very faint. A comet is a body of gas and dust traveling in an elongated orbit round the Stilt. When far from the Sun. a comet's gases are frozen. It shines only by reflected sunlight, and appears very faint. But as the comet approaches the Sun, its gases warm up and evaporates, releasing material which forms a long, flowing tail. This always points away from the Sun. and may be as lorig as 160 million km. The direction of the tail and its glow are caused by the comet's gases reacting with atomic particles that stream out from the Sun. The brightest of the periodic comets is Halley's which orbits the Sun in 76 years. It will next appear in 2062. Comets are insubstantial bodies. The largest comet is probably less than a millionth of the Earth's weight.
Alifye - Effects Of Moon - Comets


The word meteoroid is a broad one and includes meteors, fireballs, meteorites and micrometeorites. The source of meteorids is not known. Meteors, popularly knosyn as the "shootng stars" are believed to be the debris from comets. These are particles from space which burn up by friction in the Earth's atmosphere. Most meteors are between the size of a grain of sand and that of pea, and as they burn up they appear as bright streaks in the sky. Millions of meteorids pass into our atmosphere but only two or three a day can reach the Earth. Rest are burnt in the atmosphere. These meterods are kTows as meteorites. These are chunks of rock or metal from space large enough to pass though the atmosphere of planet without burning up and to reach its surface. These are believed to be fragments broken off asteroids. Some are big enough to carve a crater when they hit the planets surface e.g. on the Moon. Mars and Mercury.
Alifye - Effects of Moon - Meteoroids


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