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Thursday 28 September 2017

History - Seven Wonders of the World

  1. The Pyramids of Egypt: A group of three Largest Pyramids Khufu, Khafra and Menkaura, at Gizeh, North of modern Cairo in the UAR, often called the first wonder of the world. The great Pyramid of Khufu is 750 feet square and 480 feet high. The date of its construction is estimated at 2900 B.C.
    History - Seven Wonder of The World - The Pyramids of Egypt
  2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: These Gardens were built by Nebu Chadnezzar, 604-54 B.C for the pleasure of his beloved queen. These were laid out atop of vaulted building. Height was from 75 to 300 feet.
    History - Seven Wonder of the World - Hanging Garden of Babylon
  3. The Colossus of the Island of Rhodes: A gigantic bronze statue of Hallo (Apollo), was the masterpiece of Ghare, who erected it in 280 B.C. it was 105 feet high. It came down during an earthquake in 224 B.C.
    History - Seven Wonder of the World - Colossus of Island of Rhodes
  4. The Light House on the Island of Pharos: It was built in the 3rd B.C. by Ptolemy II, on a small island of the same name, at Alexandria now in the UAR. It had a height of 400 to 500 feet. It was destroyed by an earthquake in the 13th Century A.D.
    History - Seven Wonder of World - Light house Island of Pharos
  5. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia: The Colossal Statue of Athens made of gold and ivory was carved out by the great sculptor Phidias in the 5th century B.C. Its height was 40 feet. It no longer exists.
    History - Seven Wonder of World - Statue of Zeus at Olympia
  6. The Temple of Aremis Diana: This Temple at Ephsus, in Rome, was a most beautiful structure. It was built in about 350 B.C. in honour of a non-hellenic goddess who later became identified with the Greek goddess of the same name. It had 127 marble columns, and was 60 feet high. The Temple was destroyed in 262 B.C.
    History - Seven Wonder of World - Temple of Aremis Diana
  7.  Mausoleum at Halicornossusa: It was erected in 353 B.C. by Queen Artemisia in memory of her husband, King Mausolus of Carla, in Asia Minor. It no longer exists.
    History - Seven Wonder of World - Mausoleum At Halicornossusa


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