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Saturday 21 October 2017

Creation Of Pakistan

  • Pakistan came into existence on 14 August 1947. It was the cultivation of the struggle that started in 1857 to achieve freedom from British domination over the Indo — Pak subcontinent: The British came to India as traders. The East India Company, founded by the merchants of London started trade with India and after the Battle of Palassey and Buxar the company became a territorial power in India. The British crown took over the administration of .the possessions in India by overthrowing the Muslims, who had ruled the subcontinent for 650 years. Before the Muslims theHindus dominated the political scene. Still earlier the Dravidian's and the aboriginal tribes were the masters. Therefore a glimpse into the history of the sub continent seems necessary in order to understand the creation of Pakistan. 
    Alifye - Pakistan - Creation of Pakistan
  • At the time of its creation it consisted of two wings i.e. West Pakistan andEast Pakistan. Both these wings,were 1600 kilometers away from each other and Indian Territory lay between the two wings. Indeed it looked strange that the two wings physically 1600 kilometers away from each other, with out any common frontier, having different languages, literature and rance should be united into a federation. Yet Islam the Common religion and common political heritage kept the two wings united for a quarter of a county. However in December 1971, the eastern wing fell victim to the international conspiracy and in,. Aggression. As a result. it became independent sovereign state of Bangladesh. So the present state of Pakistan comprised four Provisions, Punjab,Sindh, NWFP and Baluchistan.


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