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Tuesday 21 November 2017

Health and Nutrition In Pakistan

Health and Nutrition in Pakistan

Health facilities inPakistan are extremely below the desired level, The existing network of medical services in the Pubic sector consists of 865 hospital. 4523 dispensaries, 5121 basic health units (BMA), 853 maternity & child health centers (MCI, 513 rural health centers (RHCs) and 262 tuberculosis (TB) centers. During 1997 there was one doctor for 1, 724 persons, one dentist for 42, 823 persons, one nurse for 5460persons, one nurse for 3.6 hospital beds, and one hospital bed for 1504 persons. 

Alifye - Encyclopedia Pakistan - Health and Nutrition In Pakistan

The total outlay on health sector (federal plus provincial) during 1997 - 98 is Rs 19.7 billion (Rs. 13.59 billion current expenditure & Rs. 6. 08 billion development expenditure) including 3. 69 billion as federal allocation. The planned expenditure on health is 7.2 percent higher over the last year and as a percent of GNP it is 0. 7 percent. The per capita expenditure on health works out to Rs 14\1 per annum. The estimated achievements of the physical targets have varied between the minimum of 62 percent (New BHUs) and the maximum of 100 percent (UHCs). The achievement includes construction of 80 new facilities (53 BHUs) and addition of 2,140 hospital beds. In health manpower development 3, 140 doctors, 298 dentists, 2198 nurses, 5, 250 paramedics and 7, 600 birth attendants have been trained. 

During 1997 - 98 under the preventive programme 6.1 million children have immunized from six killer diseases and 19.75 millions Ors packets administered to children below 5 years of age against diarrhea diseases. 

To improve the status of the health of the nation a new health policy was announced on 17th December 1997. Under this policy private sector will be given greater responsibility for health services delivery. Health care planning will be bases on scientific research to face the current and future challenges. 

The Government has given special priority in his health policy to nutrition. The main objectives of this nutrition policy are to prevent malnutrition, to reduce anemia, generate mass awareness about appropriate nutritional practices and to universalize iodized salt. Per capita food availability has increased from 2532 calories in 1996 - 97 to 2579 calories for 1997 - 98, 1.9 percent higher than recommended dietary allowance (RDA). The per capita protein intake has reached to 69.63 grams which is 16.1 percent above RDA of 60, grams and is also 2.6 percent higher over previous year.


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