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Tuesday 7 November 2017

Season of Pakistan

Season of Pakistan: 
Alifye - Pakistan Study - Season of Pakistan

Pakistan has the same four seasons found in the rest of the sub-continent, but their duration is somewhat different.
In Pakistan, the seasons may be distinguished as follows:
  1. Cold weather season (Mid - December to March)
  2. Hot weather season (April to June)
  3. Monsoon season (July to September)
  4. Post - Monsoon season (October to mid-December).

Rain Fall In Pakistan:
Alifye - Pakistan Study - Rain Fall in Pakistan

Rainfall in Pakistan is scanty and its annual average is about 15 The major part of Pakistan experiences dry climate. Humid conditions prevail over a small area in the north. The whole of Sindh. most of Baluchistan. The major part of the Punjab south of Sahiwal and the central pan of the Northern Areas receives less than - inches of rain fall in year. Three 1prge areas.
  1. Northern Sindh and Southern Punjab.
  2. North - western Baluchistan.
The central part of the Northern Areas have to contend with an annual rainfall of less than 125 mm, North of Sahiwal the rainfall steadily increases and aridity stars to demit. However the true humid conditions appear after the rainfall increases to 750 mm/ 30 inches on the plains and 625 nun/ 25 inches on the high hlands.
There are two sources of rainfall in Pakistan. The monsoons and the western Depressions. The monsoon rainfall takes place from July to September. The western Depressions bring rainfall primarily from December to March. In the intervening periods, October - November and April - June a small quantity of rainfall comes from thunder stones.


In Pakistan humidity is generally low and the air is mostly dry or greater part of the year - except Karachi which lies on the coast has a moisture in the air.


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